With all the talk people spew on the Internet, especially a popular social network, where real friends are few, real relatives are even fewer and meaningless friends abound. We all can look at our 'friends' list and understand they exist mostly to play games, not much more. Once in a while we meet strangers there who are like minded and kind, but not so often.
I am mostly bothered by people my husband and I do know, not the superficial, not close, friends we share games with. It has become apparent that too many people living in America, who are retired and living in poverty themselves, are able to somehow hate others in poverty. I am flabbergasted to put it mildly.
Well, sometimes people are thrust into poverty through circumstances beyond their control. I was one of those people. I want others to understand how a person who's worked hard most of their life can slip into poverty. I don't want anyone who points fingers at others, to slip into complacency, telling themselves it can never happen to them. It can and does. But never loose sight of the fact that it is the person on your block, the person next door, struggling in silence.
College students struggle, unless they have a rich Mommy and Daddy. The elderly struggle, since most of them have had their pensions stolen and now must live on that shitty pittance we call Social Security. Single mothers struggle, usually not because they had kids, but because some guy refused to buck up and meet his responsibilities. The veteran who laid his or her life on the line so Americans could say: "Support our troops" with their meaningless prattle, struggle as well. These blogs will be telling the story or stories, of those as well as myself, who slipped into poverty through no real fault of their own. I hope you read them with an open mind. I hope you remember what an open mind is.