Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What we've learned about Createspace publishing

We, as authors, decided to look for a good place to publish our books.  We inquired about several places offering, on the Internet, to publish your manuscript but when we really looked into it, they all wanted anywhere from $2,000 to$5,000.  Hell, I could or would, publish anyone's manuscript for $5,000 a pop too.

We finally decided to check out Createspace and have never regretted that choice.  We discovered you can pay $39.00 (far cry from $5,000) but you are not required to do that.  If you pay the $39.00 though you do get to buy your own books much cheaper and your book gets picked up by many distributors,which can help tremendously in sales.

We found Createspace very easy to use, my wife loves the OpenOffice program for writing her booksbecause it is as easy to use as Word and very easy to set up the correct dimensions and to convert to a PDF file for submission to Createspace.  She used InDesign before,but it is quite difficult to use and has no spell or grammar checks built into it.  If you are new to creating manuscripts, OpenOffice is probably the best program to use.  OpenOffice also makes it easier to submit your books to Kindle edition too.

Createspace is very self-explanatory and it is quite easy to use your own photos for your book creation too.  Createspace is designing and making it easier all the time for indie authors to create their own books.

We used to write on HubPages and would have normally shared this information there,but we have not been happy with that writing site for quite some time now.  Now we are offering our experiences here and also will share our experiences and tips for promoting your book sales as well.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post and if you have questions or would like us to cover a topic concerning creating your own indie books, please ask, post it here in comments and we will get back to you quickly.  Hey, no question is too small, and maybe other people might be burning to know the answer to your questions too.  We love comments, we love interacting with people and we love helping drive traffic here as well as maybe your web site too.  Rest assured, we are always glad when you stop by.


Flora Breen Robison said...

I would probably pay the small $39.00 fee to make it easier for me to help sell. I had never heard of Createspace until you brought it up. No book is on the horizon for me at this time. I find it disheartening when I hear of authors selling their books for 99 cents on Amazon.

steve & Roberta weathers said...

The 99 cent books are being sold on Kindle the paperbacks get more, but in the long run you make more off the 99 cent books. If you sell 1 million copies there you go. Thanks so much for stopping by.

MartieCoetser said...

Bobbi and Steve, I’m looking forward to follow you (to the end of the world :)))

steve & Roberta weathers said...

Martie, Welcome to our blog site, so nice to see you. We hope you continue to follow us.
God Bless

Unknown said...

Whatever works best for the author when publishing their own book, I say all the best. There definitely are different methods.Front and foremost is getting it edited, content ready, colors and book cover design. When that is completed to ones satisfaction then click the ready button and voila a published book on Amazon or SmashWords, that should cover a wide arena of readers and potential purchasers of ones book. Thanks for sharing this was informative.

steve & Roberta weathers said...

Vincent: Yes, and you'd be surprised at how difficult the editing part can be, it was for me on my first book, about nursing homes,it could have been a bit more polished,but people still do seem to like it, as it is my best seller. I did polish it up and created a second edition. I agree with you and I think placing books on both Createspace and Smashwords is a great idea. Thanks for your helpful comment.
