Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Trouble with Penn Yan New York

Penn Yan schools are facing low enrollment lately.  Is it any wonder why?  Penn Yan has become an area where jobs have all but left yet rent and home prices continue to soar beyond the reach of the average family.

I moved to Penn Yan in 1970 when it was once a great place to live, work and raise a family.  Any towns not open to attracting families will, in my opinion, eventually become just a shell of it's former self.  Exactly what is happening to Penn Yan.  When rentals are $1,100 a month and yet the area offers no decent paying jobs, then families will not move here.  There is nothing but high prices and low paying jobs these days.

Where would a person work?  Some low paying service related hotel job?  A low paying waitress job?  A low paying nurse aide job?  None of these jobs pay nearly enough to support a family on.  Seriously, Penn Yan.

What used to be here?  MICHAELS-STERN & CO.: Was a clothing company, employing many people in Penn Yan.  They closed their doors in the late 1970's.

Penn Yan Express was once a thriving trucking business in Penn Yan, NY.  No more.  

Penn Yan Boats, no more.   Left, taking jobs from Penn Yan. 

We once had a nice Super Duper grocery store, now since its closing, we have nothing there but an abandoned building, hoping for a buyer.  Good luck there.

Lowns was once a very nice department store in Penn Yan, then it became a nice place of booths to buy charming items.  Wonderful place for tourists to shop too.  No more.

Since 1970 I've seen businesses dwindle in Penn Yan, housing prices reach sky high, and no more affordable places, especially houses to rent that might attract families wanting to raise kids here.  Sad, but true.  No wonder Penn Yan school enrollment is fading.  In 1970 there were so many families raising kids here the school district ended up building several elementary schools.  Now the Branchport one was sold to some business that simply neglects the grounds and cannot seem to mow their grass.  That business has ruined the once immaculate grounds.  Nothing but a weed patch lives there these days.  

In the 1990's you could, any given day in summer, go to Red Jacket Park and it would be teeming with multiple families. cooking out, swimming and people actually boating on Keuka Lake.  Now, any given day, anytime of year, and the parks are all but dead, devoid of families doing anything anymore.  So sad.  There is a new building that says: Penn Yan Tourism on it sitting next to a park that contains no tourists anymore.  

Penn Yan is a nice town, but the powers that be here have no clue how to attract families with kids anymore.  They do not even know how to attract jobs that pay enough to pay your rent or even buy food.  So sad.  What happened, Penn Yan?

If you think you will become Lake Placid, well, I sincerely doubt you will.