Cops on a beat..neighborhoods used to know you well:
In today's modern society, we don't see cops who walk a beat anymore. Whether it's because we live in a fast paced society or just because police do not feel walking a beat is practical, we have begun to feel we do not know each other anymore. Hell, with technology, we stay hold up in our homes, is it any wonder? Can most of us even say we really know our neighbors who live right next to us? Whatever the reason, there is a wedge being driven between us, as citizens, and those men and women who have words that say: To serve and protect, written on the side of their cars.
Have Americans lost respect for today's cops? A lot of the problems are caused by a general lack of respect by many in our society. Newer generations do not respect their parents or older people, and it seems to spill over to authority figures as well. We now have students bringing weapons to school. Years ago, kids would duke it out with fists if they were pissed at each other, but now, kids are all too quick to pull a gun to settle a score. Years ago, students respected teachers, but these days, too many parents are willing to blame everything but their own parenting, whenever their kids get into trouble. Empathy and respect are not taught in all homes anymore.
Narcissism has been on the rise for the past decade and even a few years before that. Why? Well, certain T.V. shows were telling kids how 'special' they were. Telling them they didn't have to change one damn bit, didn't have to try working on being a nice person with a respectful attitude. As well intended as this message was, it was wrong. We all have plenty of room for improvement and no one owes us a damn thing.
Gone are the days of innocence when kids played with BB guns, played cops and robbers or cowboys and cowgirls with toy guns. America has lost a lot of its good ole days innocence when kids could be kids with no suspicious agenda. Today, kids as young as 9 and 10 are able to get guns and do some major damage.
Here in lies the question brought up in this picture. The correct answer is: All lives matter. As a Sociologist, I do not think cops, in general, are out to just kill, or shoot anyone to fill a quota. I think cops have families too, I think cops do get fed up with the court system dropping the ball. You often read about a suspect who may have been arrested 29 times or more. Who makes out in plea bargains? Usually lawyers.
I do think cops, many times, feel let down by the very system they are working for.
This is not to say it's right, if they do feel that way. But imagine laying your life on the line day in and day out, for not a fabulous amount of pay, only to find some people get 6 months for murder, while someone else gets 99 to life.
Imagine having to arrest violent offenders more times than they would care to. I have no doubt it is very frustrating. Do I think sometimes cops play Judge Dredd and get so fed up they become judge and jury all in one? Sure I think that's part of what happens on the streets. Another big part of the incidents of shooting an unarmed person also has to do with fear. Do you think cops do not get afraid? I'm certain they do.
If someone does not stop when cops tell them to, I'm sure they then begin to think it's suspicious behavior. So when someone is not stopping and they turn around with something in their hand, or pull something from their clothing, a cop is thinking they might end up dead and never make it home. Many times the shooting is a knee jerk reaction for self preservation.
Are there crooked cops? Of course there are. But this is not to say all are. Many are simply human, facing possible death each day on their shift, feeling fear, well trained or not, the same as you or I would.
We've all heard of the cops who have stopped to help someone, only to be gunned down for their efforts. Each time a cop walks up to a car they have stopped, they never know who or what is inside, friend or foe. Just imagine being in their shoes. Yes, yes, there are corrupt cops, yes, yes, there are cops who are prejudice. But remember, there are good doctors and bad, good lawyers and bad, good nurses, good social workers as well as bad. Every profession has its bad seeds, but should we condemn all for the actions of a few bad apples? Unfortunately that is what society tends to do these days.
- ZoomSUBMITTED PHOTOGreece native Anthony DiPonzio, 23, had been with the Rochester Police Department for about one year when he was shot and critically injured Saturday after responding to a call on Dayton Street in Rochester.
- By Staff reports
Posted Nov. 2, 2011 at 12:01 AM
Updated Nov 2, 2011 at 2:19 AM
Rochester, N.Y.A major milestone for Rochester Police Officer Anthony DiPonzio: We have learned that DiPonzio will be back to work soon.
The Rochester Police Department just confirmed that DiPonzio will be on light duty starting Nov. 7. He will be doing administrative work for the department's Professional Development Section.
DiPonzio, a Greece native, was shot in the back of the head by Tyquan Rivera while on a patrol in January 2009.
He has undergone years of therapy.
Anthony DiPonzio, 23 years old was shot in the back of the - head while on duty in 2009 in Rochester by a 14 year old
- boy. Kids carrying guns are a problem in our society.