Who doesn't love star quality?
We love shopping for bargains and many times this means the Goodwill Stores in our area. We have three of them and we check periodically for new donations so we can find what I call: the pretties, for our home decor. Once in a while we like to visit Goodwill Stores in neighboring towns too.
The stars in the picture were once a Christmas decoration someone had made. They were screwed together, rusty and had lights between them. We looked at them, saw the price of $5, set them back down and took another look at them. We realized we could take them apart and repaint them to make them look better. Once we saw we were getting two for $5 we decided to buy them. Each star costs anywhere from $8.95 to $28 each on auction sites and in stores. So $5 for two is a bargain. Never underestimate any decorative piece's potential. After painting them, they look great on the primitive wooden bench in our home.
Victorian planter, another great find
Many folks like yard and garage sales too. We check out festivals in our surrounding small towns because they have yard sales and once in a while, flea markets. The fun is you get to have a nice ride and you never know what treasures you'll find. I have always eyed those Victorian metal planters at out local flea market but could never afford them. Flea market ones can go for as much as $75 to $150 each. Way out of our budget. Last year we traveled to a festival and checked out a barn sale. A lady had a barn full of antiques. We were able to buy this Victorian planter for just $5. It was pretty rusty but we took it home, Steve cleaned it up and painted it flat black. It's been on our porch holding plants all summer long. I'd say it was our find of the year.
Shadow boxes, always pricey
Shadow boxes online and in person, always seem to be high priced. We were shopping the Goodwill Store one day and there was one just tossed on one of the shelves. Dried flowers and fake birds seem to be a popular subject and command a good price. In my research I found they sell from $60 to a few hundred dollars. We got ours for $1.99 and it appears to be an antique one. We absolutely love it and it looks very pretty on our wall.
Our local courthouse in puzzle form
Last but not least in this blog, is a puzzle of our local courthouse. It is framed and appears to be a picture from the 1950's, judging by the vehicles. We were browsing through the framed pictures at the local Goodwill and stumbled across this old puzzle of our courthouse downtown. This is absolutely one of my favorite finds. I adore old photos of our city and local places. This also looks wonderful on our wall, in a pretty frame.
You just never know what secondhand shops, garage sales or flea markets will yield. So to find pretty bargains, always shop those places. Remember: Cleaning and paint, will make it what it ain't. Happy shopping and feel free to share anything you have found in your hunt. Follow us on Facebook.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The secondhand shoppers always looking for bargains
Comments by IntenseDebate
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cheap chic,
country furniture,
decorating cheaply,
decoration projects,