. " 2 bedroom apartments for rent in and adult living community. Located in a quiet country location close to post office, church, convenience store/restaurant next to Keuka Sporting Complex that has walking trails through the woods."
Just minutes from Penn Yan (As listed on Craigslist)
Sitting on the hill in this little culdesac sits 4 duplexes in a circle which are practically right in front of the noisy Keuka Sports Complex so much for 'quiet country', a duplex is not really an apartment apartment. This Sports Complex holds sporting games, it is noisy, including loud band music and someone shouting through a microphone as well as large crowds cheering and yelling, plus mega use of air horns.
The view consists of looking at an open field.
These units are right next to the busy so called Convenience store, in reality it is a trading post where the locals hang out drinking coffee and the only things offered here are the high priced items that you can get in town much cheaper.
No Senior wants to retire way out here in the noisy country and how do they think that they can justify $1,200 a month for these units when there is nothing here for Seniors to do? Most Seniors want to retire in town where everything is within walking distance. Out here in the country if you have a major medical issue you just might be dead by the time an Ambulance gets to you as the response times in this area is about 20 minutes on average. Just saying..............
Seniors, especially those who do have money, want a town with a decent variety of stores for shopping (Penn Yan has: An art store (one can only buy so much art), three hardware stores, a Radio Shack, several drug stores, ONE department store (Peebles that only sells clothes) a Dollar General,a Family Dollar, a McDonalds, a Dunkin Donuts, whole host of dumpy bars, a few restaurants (most closing at 9PM), many real estate offices, an Aldi's and a TOPS Market and lawyers offices. That's about it for shopping.
In Keuka Park where the duplexes are located, the 'close to churches' is really ONE church (hope it's Your denomination) and there are NO walking trails through any woods.
If one wants to retire, they want nice places to walk, usually a small park in a nice town, usually things to do, like visit nice restaurants. Penn Yan once was a thriving little town. But, like too many small towns, its economy is in the ditch. The public parks, once filled with families having picnics, sit empty as a ghost town. Retirees want a porch swing community that is thriving, not a small town filled with heroin selling rings.
I think it is so funny that stupid, younger people, are SO convinced 'older people' all have money. They watch too much TV and movies. We are no richer than they are. But young people, building this crap, and thinking they will get $1200 a month offering just crap, should guess again. Boomers did NOT go through the Depression of 1920, and unlike our parent's generation, we do Not settle for mock junk. We want convenience, medical care, fun activities (Not Bingo) and we want a Reason to retire in certain areas.
For most seniors, $1200 would take ALL their incomes, so now you idiots know why Boomers are moving to other countries. Countries less greedy than America, and much cheaper for More conveniences and amenities than America offers and for far less money. What 40 somethings DO NOT know about retirees could fill a book.
If a generation hoping to rake seniors over the coals for big bucks, took this seriously, well, they might want to find out what seniors look for in a retirement community. You know: "And the survey says!" LOL But just slap up crap and think: "If you build it, they will come." Only in the movies, Folks.